Monday, 17 December 2012

Thursday Date Night - Dinner at the Ritz

Back in April, we were given a gift certificate for dinner at Bleuwater at the St Thomas Ritz-Carlton. (Remember when we used our other one here?) We opted to hold onto it until our anniversary in September. Silly us. All the good places are closed in September for the off-season. (We forget that every. single. year.) So we pushed our anniversary dinner back to October. But Bleuwater remained closed for renovations. Last week we were finally able to use it. We scooted in right before the gift certificate expired and before we jetted off to the States for the holidays. And yum.

Yum. Yum. Yum.

But what do you expect? It's the Ritz.

st thomas ritz carlton

The night out also gave me a chance to wear a vintage top I just picked up at the St Thomas Humane Society Boutique for six buckeroos. Silk on the inside, sparkle on the outside. Maybe it's not every girl who wants a bashful zebra peaking out from behind squiggly red and silver stripes on her shirt, but I'm going pretty nuts for it. 

Sequin Top, St Thomas Humane Society Boutique; Cargo Skinnies, Free People (via Twice); Sunglasses, Gucci (old); Clutch, my grandmother's; Rafia Heels, Boutique 9 (old, similar here and here); Earrings, made by a friend;

And just to make sure you know I got my six bucks' worth...


...the sequins continue to the back. None of this sequins-in-the-front-tshirt-in-the-back business that retailers keep trying to pull off these days. And yes, I wore my skinny cargos to fancy Bleuwater. Because I was also covered in sequins. And my heels were about five inches. And all those rich tourist men eat their $48 entrees in their Tommy Bahamas shirts and Rainbows because they're on vacation. So I can wear my skinny cargos if I want to.

The scenery at the Ritz is so beautiful. It's not everyday that I get a view like this when exiting the bathroom:

waiting for me

Oh wait, yes it is. Lucky me. He tolerates my zebra sequins and looks good while doing it. Reason #432 why he is pretty darn fantastic.

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